Neuron 2021 – Optogenetic fUSI for brain-wide mapping of neural activity mediating collicular-dependent behaviors

By |2021-11-19T10:23:06+01:00November 19th, 2021|

ARTICLE| VOLUME 109, ISSUE 11, P1888-1905.E10, JUNE 02, 2021 Optogenetic fUSI for brain-wide mapping of neural activity mediating collicular-dependent behaviors Published:April 29, 2021DOI: Highlights Opto-fUSI enables whole-brain analysis of functional connectivity Collicular cell types activate distinct brain-wide networks and behaviors Opto-fUSI revealed novel brain areas involved in collicular behaviors Summary Neuronal cell types are arranged [...]

Neuron 2020 – A Platform for Brain-wide Volumetric Functional Ultrasound Imaging and Analysis of Circuit Dynamics in Awake Mice

By |2021-11-19T10:14:22+01:00November 19th, 2021|

NEURORESOURCE| VOLUME 108, ISSUE 5, P861-875.E7, DECEMBER 09, 2020 A Platform for Brain-wide Volumetric Functional Ultrasound Imaging and Analysis of Circuit Dynamics in Awake Mice Published:October 19, 2020DOI: Imaging large-scale circuit dynamics is crucial to understanding brain function, but most techniques have a limited depth of field. Here, we describe volumetric functional ultrasound imaging (vfUSI), [...]

Nature Protocols 2021 – Whole-brain functional ultrasound imaging in awake head-fixed mice

By |2021-11-19T09:47:07+01:00November 19th, 2021|

Nature Protocols volume 16, pages 3547–3571 (2021) Abstract Most brain functions engage a network of distributed regions. Full investigation of these functions thus requires assessment of whole brains; however, whole-brain functional imaging of behaving animals remains challenging. This protocol describes how to follow brain-wide activity in awake head-fixed mice using functional ultrasound imaging, a method that tracks [...]

JCBFM 2019 – Early brain reorganization of brain circuits after stroke

By |2021-11-19T13:27:58+01:00October 24th, 2019|

Early brain reorganization of brain circuits after stroke revealed by functional UltraSound imaging (fUSI) A collaboration between the team of Dr. Alan URBAN from the Neuro-Electronics Research Flanders institute (NERF empowered by imec, KU Leuven and VIB) and Inserm (Paris) opened way to image reorganization of the brain occurring within minutes after a ischemic stroke. [...]

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2017 – Multi-scale neurovascular imaging: advantages and limitations of multi-photon and functional ultrasound imaging

By |2021-11-19T13:26:03+01:00October 24th, 2019|

Development of efficient brain imaging technologies combining a high spatiotemporal resolution and a large penetration depth is a key step for a better understanding of the neurovascular interface that emerges as a main factor in many neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, understanding the brain- neurovascular interface is crucial for targeting drugs to the brain. This review focuses [...]

Neuron 2018 – Whole brain imaging in mice during optokinetic reflex (OKR)

By |2021-11-19T13:21:04+01:00October 24th, 2019|

In a new study published in Neuron, the team of Botond Roska at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Basel collaborated with Alan Urban (NERF) to demonstrate how functional ultrasound imaging can yield high-resolution, unbiased, brain-wide activity maps of behaving mice. These can lead to a brain-wide understanding of how brain activity relates [...]

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